Our terms of service varys from service to service. When the customer signs up for a service the customer will receive a contract that both Nicktronic IT LLC and the customer signs. The contract will contain terms of service related to the services the customer has agreed upon
At Nicktronic IT we take our customers privacy very seriously. We promise never to sell or release any personal data not essential to any service that the customer has agreed to and signed up for, to anyone for any reason without the customers consent first. in the occasion a data breach occurs, all affected customers will be notified as soon as possible.
Nicktronic IT at your service!
If you are a existing customer requesting support or just have a general question feel free to shoot us a email
need urgent support? phone is the best way to contact us. support over the phone is always from a real human
if you cannot get a hold of us right away or want to check out our knowlage base to try and fix basic issues yourself you can visit our support site